About WorkWithTheBrainYouHave

Picture credits: Instagram @farahmsiddiq and @stevenlira

I first saw the picture of this statue “Broken but Together” by Michael Benisty  on Tim Ferriss ’s Instagram, and it instantly caught my attention.

According to WHO, one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide.

Treatments are available, but nearly two-thirds of people with a known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional. Stigma, discrimination and neglect prevent care and treatment from reaching people with mental disorders, says the World Health Organization (WHO). Where there is neglect, there is little or no understanding. Where there is no understanding, there is neglect.

This is ironic. If a person suffer from diabetes, he won’t feel ashamed of taking insulin shots, even in public. But if he suffers from a form of mental illness/brain disorder, he might feel the need to hide his condition because of shame and stigma.

Fortunately, things are changing. More and more people, including public figures, are coming forward with their brain disorders, sharing their struggles and vulnerable moments. Together, as a global society, we are working towards eradicating the stigma surrounding mental illness.

This website was built to take part in that movement. It is a collection of stories and resources of various mental illnesses/brain disorders to educate, motivate, and give hope to those who suffer from a  brain disorder and/or for family and friends with a loved one who suffer from mental health issues.

Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur, a podcaster and a best selling author who has influenced millions of people worldwide. He is also a person who suffers from Bipolar Disorder and Depression.

Having mental illness is NOT a sign of failure, weakness, or laziness. Having said that, having a mental illness is also not an excuse for destructive behaviors and actions. Having mental illness is not our fault, but it is our responsibility to get better and to reach recovery.

Having a mental illness can be very debilitating. It can make us feel broken and that we cannot ’stand up’. But if we decide to own our condition, to stop hiding and to reach out to others, we will find other people who are also willing to be vulnerable, to own their brain disorders and work towards recovery.

Things will not magically change. Recovery takes a lot of effort and patience. But by doing it together, holding hands, we can help each other to ’stand up’.

We are one community. We can get better together.


1. Sophia is not a doctor or a medical professional. She is a trained scientist and researcher by trade. This website is a collection of resources Sophia found through research during her journey towards recovery. She decided to share her findings with the hope that these resources and information will help others as they did for her.

2. Please do not self-diagnose. You must see a mental health professional in order to get a proper diagnosis.

3. The information and resources provided on this website are for reference purposes only.
